The Bishop's Wife (1947)

The other day I was watching the movie The Bishop's Wife and the end of the movie really touched me and so I really wanted to share the last 3 minutes of this movie with my friends and family.
We all say we celebrate Christmas( whether we believe in a religion or not,) that we know what the season is really about and yes, people are more friendly, more loving, more charitable during the Christmas season, but what about the rest of the year?!
The message that the Bishop gives is so poignant. It reminds us of what we miss or don't miss during our celebration of the season, but do we continually remember the other stocking throughout the rest of the year? Do we share the spirit of the Christmas with other's during the rest of the year?
If not, why not? What is stopping us from truly being Christlike? What is it that stops us from truly loving other's and treating other's as our brother's and sister's? If you don't know the answer, get down on your knees and communicate with him who can help you with the question. Fulfill that answer by "doing" what you are answered, Love truly is an action verb and words do help other's feel that love, but action through our example is even more proof that we are striving to be Christ-like.
If you are one that doesn't believe in the Savior ask yourself this- What is preventing you from just being more loving and kind to fellow human beings that you are in contact with? What is wrong with trusting other's even if they are not in your general circle of life. If we all treated other's the way we want to be, then the world would be a truly better place!

May this Holiday be a time where you "Pay it forward," and help make the world more friendly, but don't forget to carry that out to the rest of next year.
I love you all,


  1. I love that movie thanks for sharing. I do think all the time we should be paying it forward but especially at Christmas time. I know when I am selfish and just trying to live my day or week for me. I often get in a rut, I don't feel happy or satisfied but as soon as I think outside of myself I feel so happy!
    thanks for sharing this Sandi!
    I love you!


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