The desire to cross stitch is running through my veins

I don't know what it is about me wanting to cross stitch after so many years of  NOT cross stitching. Decades actually, but I for some reason am desiring do do so. But, what I want to cross stitch is alluding me. I was think Harry Potter so that It is ready for our Halloween Party in October, but really, do I want to cross stitch something now for that far ahead in time?

I think that I might want to cross stitch something that I can frame and put up permantly in the house. I am going to continue to look. Should I go for a Salt Lake Temple, Flowers, Books, a Bicycle or what?

here are some options:


A few Gilmore Girl Sayings to Cross Stitch-

 I can go from zero to studying in less than sixty seconds. 

College is breaking my spirit. Every single day, telling me things I don't know. It's making me feel stupid.

How often do you get to see teenagers speak iambic pentameter and kill themselves?

Paris, please don't compare our reading times again. You're fast, I'm slow, enjoy your trophy.

Walk as you babble please

Crazy people. Whole town should be medicated and put in a rec room with ping pong tables and hand puppets.

 This is a misogynistic truck.
: What?
: It's anti-woman, it's gender-selective, it's "Oh, let's drink a beer and watch the game and hike our shorts up."

Reality has absolutely no place in our world.

 People are particularly stupid today. I can't talk to any more of them. 

Call me Belinda, 'cause my lips are sealed!

I am a grown woman. Says the woman with the Hello Kitty waffle iron.

Some people like getting up early.  You lie.

I'm going to have to pick on of the Girlmore girls ones besides the Reading Is SexyHow often do you get to see teenagers speak iambic pentameter and kill themselves?That'll do pig.College is breaking my spirit. Every single day, telling me things I don't know. It's making me feel stupid.  And for Lisa:  This from a woman with a Hello Kitty waffle iron


  1. I pretty much love the Gilmore Girls cross-stitch idea.

  2. hey I meant to comment on this when you posted it. What about that saying by Grandma Field that you shared with me and did the pretty font so that I could cross stitch it, you should do one too!


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