Ten Quirky Things You Might Not Know About Me.

1. I am a true yellow personality but I do not like to take risks and have a littlle bit of a red inclination which makes me probably more-- Orange.

2. I believe that every word you say, has a song that corresponds.  That doesn't mean that it will be something that was already written, it might just turn out to be a "Sandi original", that just sounds like it has already been published. You will never question the authenticity of it.

3.  My mind is a twisted and deep well of nonsensical information that I might feel is important.  Just ask my husband.

4. I was born in New York, Long Island but don't have a single word that has a Yankee accent.  But, I can pull off a great impression of a New York'er when I want to.

5.  I have such a soft heart, because of  that tragedy affects me more than most people. 
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6.  I am not afraid to approach anyone!

7.  Santa Clause is real.  If you do not believe that I WILL argue with you about it.

8.  There are two views on everything, but MY view is the most important to me. Unless you have a great, creative way of convincing me otherwise. 

9.  I am a dramatic person-- I failed at this when I was younger, had a great director that broke me out of it as a thirty year old.  I love acting, so a lot of what I say will be said too loud and with my hands telling part of the story.

10.  Books are my best friends. Anyone who knows me already knows this, but,you do not know that I  love Memoirs the most.  Maybe that is why writing them is easy for me.


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