Spring Harvest by Rektok Ross, A Book Review

Spring Harvest
Rektok Ross
Ic13 Books 
328 pages

Publisher's Intro

"Beautiful, confident, and freshly single Alix Summerlin and her friends are ready for the ultimate party weekend at the Garlic Groove Music Festival in remote little farm town Allium Valley. Her biggest worries are what designer outfits to wear each night and managing the post-breakup tension with her sweet-but-brooding ex, Logan. But when festival-goers start vanishing, and Kade—a mysterious, handsome stranger—warns Alix to flee town, she begins to suspect something sinister is at work..."

My Review 

If you love a good vampire story that is slightly bloody, and fear-inducing read this book it's definitely for you! It's the perfect quick and light spring/summer read. You might want to hold off on attending any music festivals for a while though.

A romantic attraction, a quirky cast of characters, a character who you just can't help but dislike, and a location that brings horror into your veins that you’ve always viewed as slightly idyllic.
Might sound like Twilight, right? Nope, it's nothing like it. Spring Harvest gives you what Twilight didn't—Real fear.

This might seem like a YA book, however, I consider it more NA than YA. I appreciate the fact that the author has some themes throughout the book that I can support: Animal cruelty, death, loss, and loyalty.

I'm just warning you now. I gagged while reading through a few pages. I don't think I will be visiting farms or music festivals for a while after reading Spring Harvest.

I loved this book! 

Spring Harvest is the third book in Rektok Ross' “Seasons” series.
Check out her other thrillers- Ski Weekend, based in Lake Tahoe, and Summer Harvest based in the Florida Keys, too.


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