Washington D.C. Day 3 continued

So many pictures so little time…I realized as I did the last post that I didn’t put some other pictures on it, but didn’t really want to mess with the layout so here is a few more pictures that really touched me in our day wandering through the Washington Mall.


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even the detail of the subway vents was amazing. I truly could wander the WWII memorial for the whole day and feel in awe of the sacrifices that were made. Can you imagine if Japan and Germany had won how different our lives would be?!


Truly this saying is how I feel.

Now on to another scene:

One from the Vietnam Memorial…

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Interestingly, we studied the artist and her architecture who designed the Vietnam war Memorial. She was YOUNG!


Changing of the Guards at Arlington


Life-sized sculptures at the Korean War memorial. The facial expressions were hauntingly real and touching.


Out of all the pictures that I took on our trip. This is one of the handfuls that I am extremely in love with! (the homeless man in the park is probably my most favorite.)


a view of Washington D.C.’s skyline from Arlington

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I love the background to this picture, but I love Matt’s smile in the 2nd picture better. So had to put both!


A beautifully moving painted tribute to September 11, 2001

The Following Pictures are from us taking the subway home but while waiting, I just started messing around with the camera. These are a few shots that I truly enjoyed!

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The train rails.   A train coming down the track ( actually ours.)DSC_1544  DSC_1555

The new buds on bush. Garbage under that same budding bush.


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