Fraternizing Fridays

After Introducing my "5 Teachers", I decided that I want to do a series of entries to introduce my readers to what makes me tick. I've already done a few entries such as my "16 year old self" entry.
(If you are family you might even learn a few things that you didn't know.)

So, I think we will have a "Getting To Know You" series. I think that I will publish these entries on Friday's as I did the "5 Teachers."  We can call it 'Fraternizing Fridays'. Then we can get to become better friends.

If you really want to know something about me that isn't Lewd or Malicious go a head and ask in the comments and I will consider it as entry. It might be even more amazing for everyone to do their own 'Fraternizing Fridays' so I can get to know you better also. Just go ahead and leave a link if you want to join the fun.


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