Who Says You Can't Go Home?
* a copy of my WordPress Blog entry seen here: Life is a Snap: Empowering you

“Who says you can’t go home?” Bon Jovie asks this question and I am asking it too ⏤ have you ever lived eons of time away from your hometown and then moved back and thought, “wow, can I really do this?” Yeah, that is what I am doing right now. We are headed back to the State of Utah. The place Matt and I met and fell in love. The place that foundationally formed us. I’m leary of this returning home. Luckily, we are not going to be going completely home ⏤ not to our same neighborhood or even cities. We will be thirty minutes to an hour away from where we both grew up though, so, not exactly the same, but still; close.
Our parents don’t live in Utah so we won’t be returning as “kids” to someone else. We will, however, be driving to and through places we roamed as teenagers. While looking for homes in Heber City, I drove down I-15 from my sister-in-law’s home, towards Park City, the music blasting from my car radio was 80’s rock and I had this overwhelming feeling of being a teenager again. This drive; the music; my freedom of roaming; it all smacked of nostalgia ⏤ the drives to Rockport for windsurfing, sledding down the Alpine Slide on Matt and I’s first date; crash landing on the off-ramp at Jeremy Ranch in a Hot Air Balloon. It’s gonna be like Deja Vu for a good long time. I think I might be looking forward to it.
There will be so many experiences to re-live and chew on. What did I learn from those experiences, have I grown since I lived that life? Good Growth lessons are on the horizon. I can see it now!
Until then, packing, cleaning and saying goodbye to good friends are the things I am dreading. How do I leave this land of sunshine & coastal views and head towards a lush valley that part of the year white stuff falls from the heavens & sticks to the ground waiting for someone to shovel it from sidewalks & driveways? I am not a lover of cold, I actually despise it. Matt has had to promise me that I will be getting a home with a fireplace, a good many cute warm clothes,

4 trips or more to the beach, and possibly a snazzy 4 x 4 vehicle that represents my wacky and adventure-sensed personality. I’m, for now, seeing a Toyota FJ as a possible swag mobile but that could change at any given time knowing my whims. 
Moving to Heber City is going to be one more route on our adventurous road and I am going to live it up as much as I can. I mean, come on ⏤ family to love on, grand puppies to run with, rivers to fish, moutains to hike, bike, ATV, and snowmobile on, a new community to grow to love & help people in, and me all the while being with the man of my dreams for more memory-building experiences? How can it not be exciting???
I’m curious: Have you ever moved back to your home state? How did it go? Did you experience Deja Vu like I did?
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